Terramote 351 - Logo

Terramote 351 - Logo

quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2023



Eco-Social Tourism and Education


20th of December, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT Douro (Douro River) - Along the Douro river bank secrets, legends and history

27th of December, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT PTT (Porto Traditional Trade) - A Journey into the Porto most authentic soul

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit

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SMT Douro (Douro River) - Along the Douro river bank secrets, legends and history

The Douro River can be, in many aspects, be considered like the “blood” running in the veins of Porto. Along history it has always been a very essential element and presence in Porto culture, economy, ecology and sociology. Also along many centuries Porto´s main way of communication with the Portugal north region but also the starting point for longer dangerous trips between Porto and other nations, mostly the main trading centers.

This tour is an opportunity to go through Douro right bank of Porto, eventually from Ribeira up to Foz with a different and deeper perspective. Going through different social, ecological but also historical aspects.

Find more about:

What are the main ecological problems of the Douro River. Its past as the Porto´s main communication way. Some of the most relevant events that here took place. Some of the most known important persons that were, one way or the other, connected with the Douro among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for SMT Douro (Douro River)

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto #theotherporto #nottouristictourism #turismonãoturístico #traditionaltrade #riodouro #douroriver #portoandthedouro #oportoeodouro #portoribeira

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SMT PTT (Porto Traditional Trade) - A Journey into the Porto most authentic soul

Porto is, since its very beginning, known as a city of trade and of traders. Its universe of traditional shops is very rich and unique, in spite of the fact that many of these unic places have been closing specially due to the city gentrification and “modern” models of consumption. This tour goes throught a relevant circuit where it´s still possible to see some excellent examples of this traditional trade and experience Porto´s most authentic identity.

Find more about:

What´s a “colonial” grossery shop. The importance of Bolhão Market. What are the areas with still more traditional shops among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for SMT PTT (Porto Traditional Trade)

In front of Sto Ildefonso Church, at Batalha Square


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto #theotherporto #nottouristictourism #turismonãoturístico #traditionaltrade #traditionalshops #traditionalshopsofporto

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Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local realities. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects.

Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw


facebook event:

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project itself, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project through your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto


quarta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2023

[pt] Slow Motion Tours Culturando: Museu Municipal de Arouca/ 2023-10-21

Para quem se sente apaixonado pela história, assim como pelo estudo e reconhecimento das nossas raízes, em particular do nosso património rural, o Museu Municipal de Arouca é um local capaz de nos fazer sentir profundamente felizes.

Centrado naturalmente no território de Arouca, permite-nos fazer uma viagem por alguns dos períodos mais marcantes da nossa histórica enquanto país e, até muito antes disso, enquanto território.

Para além disso possui um acervo verdadeiramente fascinante relativo às práticas, conhecimentos e tradições do nosso povo, nomeadamente do povo habituado à vida árdua e exigente da montanha. Ainda assim repleta de sabedoria, tradições e em geral de um profundo respeito pela Natureza à qual se encontravam intrínsecamente ligados.

E o que é um povo sem conhecimento da sua história e raízes? É talvez um povo à deriva nas modas e marés desta globalização “standart”.

Para quem adora a floresta e a montanha, oferece-nos também diversos elementos informativos muito importantes que nos permitem conhecer de forma mais profunda as dinâmicas e história associadas a essas questões. Em particular no que ao tema da “Floresta” diz respeito (quando visitei estava patente uma exposição muito interessante sobre as Campanhas de Florestação do Estado Novo que constituíram inicialmente um sério revés para o sistema de gestão comunitário dos baldios)

Mas muito mais do que grandes descrições, a principal “nota” que posso deixar é a do quanto enriquecedor se revela o tempo dispendido numa visita ao Museu Muncipal de Arouca e, além do mais, porque não fazer dessa visita um excelente ponto de partida para explorar mais a fundo o território tão particular e mágico da Serra da Freita?

Mais informações em: https://www.cm-arouca.pt/municipio/equipamentos/museu-municipal/

O Museu Municipal de Arouca foi simbolicamente inaugurado no Dia Internacional dos Museus, em 2008, e procura preservar as memórias e tradições de um povo marcadamente rural, mas também dar nota do vasto património arqueológico e geológico e, ainda, da biodiversidade do nosso concelho.

Situado próximo de uma das entradas na vila, tem um espaço dedicado à exposição permanente e, em simultâneo, tem um espaço de exposições temporárias.

Em suma, o Museu Municipal é um espaço onde se pode conhecer mais profundamente Arouca e o percurso das suas gentes num espaço vivo que aguarda a sua visita.”

Pedro J. Pereira – Slow Motion Tours

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecossocial #ecossocialtourism #museus #museusdeportugal #cultura #culturaemportugal #históriadeportugal #geografiadeportugal #espaçosmuseológicos #espaçosmuseológicosportugal

#arouca #museumunicipaldearouca #serradafreita #distritodeaveiro #portugalrural #montanha #mountains

terça-feira, 10 de outubro de 2023

[pt] Slow Motion Tours Culturando: Exposição "O Porto e o Reino Unido. 650 Anos de História Partilhada. 1373-2023" / 2023-10-06

Creio que a importância das relações luso-britânicas na história da cidade do Porto é bastante (re)conhecida, nomeadamente pela existência de uma poderosa e influente comunidade britânica que desempenhou um papel bastante notório por exemplo no desenvolvimento e comercialização do próprio vinho do Porto.

Mas há bastantes outros aspectos que talvez não sejam tão do conhecimento geral pelo que, acredito, faz todo o sentido visitar esta Exposição "O Porto e o Reino Unido. 650 Anos de História Partilhada. 1373-2023" que está patente MMIPO - Museu da Misericórdia do Porto.

Há também diversas personalidades cuja história vale sem dúvida a pena conhecer. Destaco por exemplo William Tait, que sendo um “comerciante” acabou também por transformar a sua paixão pela hortícultura e produção florestal (entre outros ramos das ciências naturais) em algo muito para além de um mero “hobbie”.

Infelizmente, calculo que por desconhecer por completo esse potencial, foi também responsável para introdução de diversas espécies de acácias em Portugal, nomeadamente daquela que hoje é sabido consitui uma das mais “infestanes”, a mimosa.

Mais informações em: https://www.mmipo.pt/pt-pt/atividades/exposicao-o-porto-e-o-reino-unido.-650-anos-de-historia-partilhada.-1373-2023




São vários os factos históricos que ligam a cidade do Porto e o Norte de Portugal à Aliança Luso-Britânica.

Desde logo, em 1353, o tratado de comércio e pesca celebrado entre Eduardo III e o célebre mercador portuense Afonso Martins Alho, que foi o seu principal negociador.

Mais tarde, em 1372, em São Salvador de Tagilde, hoje pertencente ao concelho de Vizela, celebrou-se um tratado de amizade e ajuda que uniu o nosso D. Fernando com o filho e a nora de Eduardo III, contra D. Henrique II de Castela e D. Pedro IV de Aragão.

Em 1386 selou-se um novo tratado, em Ponte de Mouro, Monção, entre D. João I e o Duque de Lencastre, em que foi prometido todo o auxílio a este para que pudesse conquistar o trono de Castela a que se julgava com direito. O casamento, na Sé do Porto, entre D. João I e D. Filipa de Lencastre, no ano seguinte, constituiu, assim, o ato político de garantia do cumprimento do tratado de 1386.

No decurso de seis séculos e meio de relação recíproca, outros tratados, convenções e atos uniram Portugal ao Reino Unido, sempre mantendo o espírito do primeiro acordo e com a mesma comunhão de interesses.

Esta abordagem é pretexto para salientar temáticas incontornáveis nesta relação multissecular entre o Porto e o Reino Unido. Há as ligações comerciais, em particular da relacionada com a produção e a exportação do Vinho do Porto; do apoio e da cooperação militar, com enfoque nas Invasões Francesas e nas Guerras Liberais; dos intercâmbios científicos e culturais, manifestados nas ciências naturais, na literatura, nas artes decorativas e na arquitetura.”

Pedro J. Pereira – Slow Motion Tours

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecossocial #ecossocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecossocial #ecossocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #cultura

segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023




Eco-Social Tourism and Education

AGENDA for OCTOBER of 2023

18th of October, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT7 (Sto Ildefonso) - Into the Heart of Porto

28th of October, Saturday, at 10.30 - SMT MTS (Matosinhos) - A Land of Fishermen and Sailors

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit 


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SMT7 (Sto Ildefonso) - Into the Heart of Porto

Although, from an historical point of view, Sto Ildefonso is not situated in the so called Historical Centre, it´s actually in a way the “heart” of the commercial and social centre of the “modern” Porto, with some of the most significant buildings and trade streets situated in its area. Besides of that, or precisely because of that, some extremelly important events took place in its streets, we will travel through some of them.

find more about:

What happened to the previous “Town Hall” building? Who where the “Mártires da Liberdade”? Why Bolhão market is called Bolhão market? Why Batalha Square is called “Batalha Square” and what batles are we talking about … among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for Into SMT7 (Sto Ildefonso) - Into the Heart of Porto

In front of Sto Ildefonso Church, at Batalha Square


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#stoildefonsoporto #centrodoporto #portocentre #ruadestacatarina #stacatarinastreet 


_ _ _

SMT MTS (Matosinhos) - A Land of Fishermen and Sailors

Matosinhos is a city since ever deeply connected to the sea. Known for its very authentic fishermen community, it´s a place with a lot to see and to get to know besides the coast and the beach it self. It´s still surprising how such an interesting place, so near from Porto, is still so much “out” of the touristic circuits.

Find more about:

what´s the real name of the “Anémona”sculpture, what´s a “mamarracho”, what was the former name of Matosinhos, the connection between Matosinhos and the portuguese land of opportunities in the XIX century:Brasil, the legend of the roman man that rided his horse into the sea, among many other relevant aspects of Matosinhos and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for A Land of Fishermen and Sailors – SMT MTS

at Parque de Real Metro Station


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto


#oceanoatlântico #atlanticocean #praiadematosinhos #matosinhosbeach #portodeleixões #leixõesharbour #rioleça #leçariver 


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Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local realities. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects.

Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project it self, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project trough your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

quarta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2023



Eco-Social Tourism and Education


15th of September, Friday, at 15.30 - SMT6 (Miragaia) - A place of stories and legends

23th of September, Saturday, at 10.30 - SMT MTS (Matosinhos) - A Land of Fishermen and Sailors

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit 


_ _ _

SMT6 (Miragaia) - A place of stories and legends

Miragaia is one of the areas that makes part of the so called Porto historical centre. It´s a land of magic legends and a place deep connected with the Douro River, with the naval construction so in each step you find stories, legends, places related with such ancient relation and identity

Find more about:

What´s Porto patron saint (and perhaps it´s actually not S.João), where´s Rua dos Banhos or Rua do Ouro - that actually don´t longer exhist, the “bloody” legend of “Gaia”, where was the jewish cemitery, what´s the “Bandeirinha da Saúde”, the dolphin that looks like … anything but a dolphin, among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for Miragaia – a place of stories and legends – SMT6

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#centrohistóricodoporto #portohistoricalcentre #miragaiaporto #ruadaarménia #igrejadespedrodemiragaia #riodouro #douroriver #parquedasvirtudes #bairrodopadreamérico #escadasdomontedosjudeus

_ _ _

SMT MTS (Matosinhos) - A Land of Fishermen and Sailors

Matosinhos is a city since ever deeply connected to the sea. Known by its very authentic fishermen community, it´s a place with a lot to see and to get to know besides the coast and the beach it self. It´s still surprising how such an interesting place, so near from Porto, is still so much “out” of the touristic circuits.

Find more about:

what´s the real name of the “Anémona”sculpture, what´s a “mamarracho”, what was the former name of Matosinhos, the connection between Matosinhos and the portuguese land of opportunities in the XIX century:Brasil, the legend of the roman man that rided his horse into the sea, among many other relevant aspects of Matosinhos and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for A Land of Fishermen and Sailors – SMT MTS

at Parque de Real Metro Station


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto


#oceanoatlântico #atlanticocean #praiadematosinhos #matosinhosbeach #portodeleixões #leixõesharbour #rioleça #leçariver

_ _ _

Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local realities. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects.

Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project it self, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project trough your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

Percursos Ecossociais para o Curso “aPorto” dinamizado pela AGAL - Associaçom Galega da Língua / 2023-08

E em 2023 o Slow Motion Tours teve novamente o enorme prazer e privilégio de ser desafiado pela organização do Curso “aPorto” para guiar @s participantes dos seus cursos sobretudo pelo Centro Histórico da Cidade do Porto.

Tem sido uma experiência extremamente rica, quer pela proximidade cultural e linguística, quer pela receptividade e sensibilidade d@s participantes para os temas que habitualmente são abordados nos Tours. Também para perceber os imensos pontos em comum existentes entre Portugal e a Galiza e particularmente entre o Porto e Santiago de Compostela no que à “gentrificação turística” diz respeito.

Na verdade acabamos por conseguir desenhar um Percurso diferente para cada grupo o que representou um novo e acrescido desafio ;O)

O Programa “aPorto” é dinamizado pela AGAL - Associaçom Galega da Língua, uma associação muito dinâmica na defesa da língua e cultura Galega, nomeadamente no que concerne à sua ligação à língua e cultura Portuguesa.

Termos sido escolhidos para contribuir para o programa desta ano representa claro uma enorme responsabilidade e esperamos mais uma vez ter conseguido corresponder à altura do esperado.


aPorto: https://www.facebook.com/cursosaporto

AGAL: https://www.facebook.com/AGALgz

#slowmotiontours #slowmotiontoursporto #portugalautêntico #authenticportugal #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismonãoturístico #nontouristictourism #toursindependentesnoporto #independentoursinporto #portugal #grandeporto #línguagalega #aporto #agal

segunda-feira, 14 de agosto de 2023



Eco-Social Tourism and Education

AGENDA for AUGUST of 2023

19th of August, Saturday, at 15.30 - SMT6 (Miragaia) - A place of stories and legends

28th of August, Monday, at 15.30 - SMT11 (Foz do Douro) - Where Porto meets the Atlantic

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit

_ _ _

SMT6 (Miragaia) - A place of stories and legends

Miragaia is one of the areas that makes part of the so called Porto historical centre. It´s a land of magic legends and a place deep connected with the Douro River, with the naval construction so in each step you find stories, legends, places related with such ancient relation and identity

Find more about:

What´s Porto patron saint (and perhaps it´s actually not S.João), where´s Rua dos Banhos or Rua do Ouro - that actually don´t longer exhist, the “bloody” legend of “Gaia”, where was the jewish cemitery, what´s the “Bandeirinha da Saúde”, the dolphin that looks like … anything but a dolphin, among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for Miragaia – a place of stories and legends – SMT6

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#centrohistóricodoporto #portohistoricalcentre #miragaiaporto #ruadaarménia #igrejadespedrodemiragaia #riodouro #douroriver #parquedasvirtudes #bairrodopadreamérico #escadasdomontedosjudeus

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SMT11 (Foz do Douro) - Where Porto meets the Atlantic

Foz do Douro is a very special district in Porto. Naturally is the place where the Douro River meets the Atlantic. Therefore it has been since centuries ago a land of fisherman and sailors, developping its very unique identitiy and personality.

Find more about: Where´s one of the first Renascent chappels in Portugal. One of the most beautiful sanitary houses in Portugal. Where the fountain from the desactivated S.Francisco was taken to, among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for SMT11 - Foz do Douro

at the entrance of “S.João Baptista” fort


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#riodouro #douroriver #fozdodouro #jardimdopasseioalegrefozdodouro #fortedesãojoãobpatista #faroldenossasenhoradaluz #raulbrandão

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Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local realities. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects.

Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project it self, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project trough your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto