Terramote 351 - Logo

Terramote 351 - Logo

sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2024



Eco-Social Tourism and Education

Agenda for JUNE of 2024

15th of June, Saturday, at 15.30 - SMT4 (Vitória A) - What victories celebrates Vitória?

26th of June, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT Douro (Douro River) - Along the Douro river bank secrets, legends and history

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit 


_ _ _

SMT4 (Vitória A) - What victories celebrates Vitória?

Vitória history is deeply connected with the history of the last jewish ghetto in Porto but there are many other elements of historical and social interest. Vitória is very deeply into the medieval art of Porto so its streets are so rich in terms of traditional trade and traces of a sort of recent and not so recent past.

Find more about:

Where was the last jewish neighbourhood in Porto. The places and last traces of the “Fernandina” wall. A less known but no less important saint called “S.Roque”. What centenary shops you can still find in Vitória among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

SMT3 (Sé B) - The unkown secrets of the centre – PICS


Meeting point for SMT4 (Vitória) - What victories celebrates Vitória?

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#centrohistóricodoporto #portohistoricalcentre #vitóriaporto #judeusnoporto #jewishinporto #miradourodavitória #mosteirodesbentodavitória #batariadavitória #sroqueporto 


_ _ _

SMT Douro (Douro River) - Along the Douro river bank secrets, legends and history

The Douro River can be, in many aspects, be considered like the “blood” running in the veins of Porto. Along history it has always been a very essential element and presence in Porto culture, economy, ecology and sociology. Also along many centuries Porto´s main way of communication with the Portugal north region but also the starting point for longer dangerous trips between Porto and other nations, mostly the main trading centers.

This tour is an opportunity to go through Douro right bank of Porto, eventually from Ribeira up to Foz with a different and deeper perspective. Going through different social, ecological but also historical aspects.

Find more about:

What are the main ecological problems of the Douro River. Its past as the Porto´s main communication way. Some of the most relevant events that here took place. Some of the most known important persons that were, one way or the other, connected with the Douro among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

SMT Douro (Douro River) - Along the Douro River banks and its legends - PICS


Meeting point for SMT Douro (Douro River)

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto #theotherporto #nottouristictourism #turismonãoturístico #traditionaltrade #riodouro #douroriver #portoandthedouro #oportoeodouro #portoribeira

_ _ _

Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local reality. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects. Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project itself, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project through your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2024



Eco-Social Tourism and Education

Agenda for MAY of 2024

17th of May, Friday, at 10.30 - SMT VLG (Valongo) - From the village of the bread and the biscuit to one of the main Porto suburbs (*)


29th of May, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT3 (Sé B) - The unkown secrets of the centre

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit 


_ _ _

SMT VLG (Valongo) - From the village of the bread and the biscuit to one of the main Porto suburbs

Valongo in spite of the fact that is situated very near Porto is, at the same time, a really not that well known place for so many people.

Also that many people still ignore the fascinating and so rich past of Valongo as one of the norths main bread and biscuit production centre. Also a land of watermills and millers (Terra de Moinhos e de Moleiros).

In the most recent years with the industrialisation of those sectors a very significant part of the importance of those traditional sectors decreased but fortunately didn´t disappear at all. And that´s part of the history that we aim to reveal in this Tour.

Besides of that, in the most recent decades, with the (cahotic) urbanistic expansion that happened in the Porto Region Valongo was one of the places in which a massive construction took place, in many cases with not so that good urbanistic results.

In spite of that it´s still a city where we can actually still find several relevant rural elements and even culture. Lets go together explore them.

It´s also important to mention that around Valongo we can still walk and visit some sites with Natural interest in value.

Find more about:

What circumstances made of Valongo such an important bakery centre? What´s the connections between Porto and Valongo? What´s the context in which most part of the Portuguese suburbs were created? What important historical events took place in Valongo? Join us and get to know “why”? Along with many other relevant aspects of Valongo and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point SMT VLG (Valongo) - From the village of the bread and the biscuit to one of the main Porto suburbs

at Valongo Train Station


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecossocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #pjpereira #pjp.ecolution

#aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots

#valongo #turismoecossocialemvalongo #ecossocialtourisminvalongo #valongoantigo #terradaregueifaedobiscoito #moleirosdevalongo #serrasdoporto #ofíciostradicionais #pão #bread #padariastradicionais

_ _ _

SMT3 (Sé B) - The unkown secrets of the centre

In this case we go trought a less known, but not less interesting, area of Sé, closer to the oriental and somehow less touristic side of the city and even of the historical centre.

Find more about:

The first garden in the history of Porto. The public library that has been a war hospital and a convent. What were the “Brasileiros de Torna Viagem” and why they were so relevant in the history of Porto and Portugal. A very special neighborhood among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

SMT3 (Sé B) - The unkown secrets of the centre – PICS


Meeting point for SMT3 (Sé B) - The unkown secrets of the centre:

In front of Sto Ildefonso Church, at Batalha Square


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#centrohistóricodoporto #portohistoricalcentre #sédoporto #bairroherculano #jardimdeslázaro #portooriental 


_ _ _

Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local reality. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects. Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project itself, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project through your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2024




Eco-Social Tourism and Education

Agenda for APRIL of 2024

17th of April, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT2 (Sé A) - A Porto already from the “Iron Age”

25th of April, Thursday, National Holiday, at 10.30 - SMT RR (Revolutions) - A Revolutionary Porto , Rebels and Revolutions

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit

_ _ _

SMT2 (Sé A) - A Porto already from the “Iron Age”

Sé do Porto area can be, in several aspects, together with S.Nicolau, considered the place where Porto was actually born, and there we can find some of the oldest archeological findinds in concern to the city history. Therefore it´s just sort of impossible to get to know about Porto identitity without “diving” in the many narrow streets and secrets from Sé do Porto.

Find more about: Why was the romanic style so important in the beginning of the portuguese nationality. The fleet going on the cruzades to Jerusalém that was conviced to stop in Lisbon to take the city from the moors. A Porto from the iron age among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

SMT2 (Sé A) - A Porto already from the “Iron Age” - PICS


Meeting point for SMT2 (Sé A) - A Porto already from the “Iron Age”

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#centrohistóricodoporto #portohistoricalcentre #sédoporto #bairrodasé #sécategral

#portoantigo #ancientporto

_ _ _

SMT RR (Revolutions) - A Revolutionary Porto , Rebels and Revolutions

All along Portuguese History, Porto has been a centre for several of the intellectual movements and also revolutionary ideals. Many times much more than ideals but actually events. Nowadays many people still don´t have the idea of some of the most relevant historical events that actually took place, so many times, in places where we pass so frequently without realising all the stories and history behind them.

So in this Tour we aim to evoke some several of them while, at the same time, respecting and honoring those that contribute to fight for a better society.

Find more about:

The so relevant 31th of January of 1891. The still so unknown 2th of February of 1927. The size of Porto. What remains can we still find from this several revolts? The memory of the working class movement. The different crafts that exhisted.

Among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for SMT RR (Revolutions) - A Revolutionary Porto , Rebels and Revolutions

at Praça da República, in front of the Monument to the Republic


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #theothercity #aoutracidade #ooutroporto #theotherporto #nottouristictourism #turismonãoturístico

#o31dejaneiro #revoluçãorepublicana #repúblicaemportugal #therepublicinportugal #2defevereirode1927 #anarcosindicalismonoporto #estadonovo #fascismonuncamais #revoluçõesnoporto #portorevolucionário

_ _ _

Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local reality. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects. Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw


facebook event:

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project itself, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project through your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2024




Eco-Social Tourism and Education

Agenda for MARCH of 2024

09th of March, Saturday, at 15.30 - SMT RR (Revolutions) - A Revolutionary Porto , Rebels and Revolutions

27th of March, Wednesday, at 15.30 - SMT1 (S.Nicolau) - Around the Douro River and its secrets

How to participate in a tour:

Send an email with your contact informations to:


mentioning the DATE and the TOUR that you want to participate in and please try to do it at least until 24hours before the tour.

Otherwise better to use whatsapp contact:

PJP (+351) 93 4476236


Important information about the tour:

Difficulty: accessible (but we will be walking for a while)

Time: around 2h30

Logistics: take comfortable clothing adaptable to the climate circumstances of the day.

Participation fee: with the amount that you feel “Fair” in the end of the circuit 


_ _ _

SMT RR (Revolutions) - A Revolutionary Porto , Rebels and Revolutions

All along Portuguese History, Porto has been a centre for several of the intelectual movements and also revolutionary ideals. Many times much more than ideals but actually events. Nowadays many people still don´t have the idea of some of the most relevant historical events that actually took place, so many times, in places where we pass so frequently without realising all the stories and history behind them.

So in this Tour we aim to evoque some several of them while, at the same time, respecting and honoring those that contribute to fight for a better society.

Find more about:

The so relevant 31th of January of 1891. The still so unknown 2th of February of 1927. The size of Porto. What remains can we still find from this several revolts? The memory of the working class movement. The different crafts that exhisted.

Among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

Meeting point for SMT RR (Revolutions) - A Revolutionary Porto , Rebels and Revolutions

at Praça da República, in front of the Monument to the Republic


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #theothercity #aoutracidade #ooutroporto #theotherporto #nottouristictourism #turismonãoturístico

#o31dejaneiro #revoluçãorepublicana #repúblicaemportugal #therepublicinportugal #2defevereirode1927 #anarcosindicalismonoporto #estadonovo #fascismonuncamais #revoluçõesnoporto #portorevolucionário 


_ _ _

SMT1 (S.Nicolau) - Around the Douro River and its secrets

S.Nicolau is for sure one of the most ancient and historical districts from Porto historical centre. The narrow and some of the medieval streets from S.Nicolau tell a lot about Porto identity, developed in a very deep connection with the Douro River.

Find more about: The story behind the last “gate” from the “Fernandina” Wall, who was the local hero “Deocleciano Monteiro”? the disaster of “Ponte das Barcas”, the many stories hidden in the waters of the “Douro River”, why Porto was so essential as a … one of the main “activities” that Infante D.Henrique promoted, the coolest place in town … among many other relevant aspects of Porto and Portugal history, culture, society and ecology.

SMT1 (S.Nicolau) - Around the Douro and its secrets - PICS


Meeting point for SMT1 (S.Nicolau) - Around the Douro River and its secrets

at Casa da Horta


#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto

#riodouro #douroriver #ribeiradoporto #snicolauporto #igrejadesfranciscoporto #stfrancischurchporto

_ _ _

Tours not in the programm: it´s possible, if done in a significant time in advance, to book tours in other dates and, if required, in different geographical areas or with different themes. Challenge us!!!

Slow Motion Tours

Slow Motion Tours develops alternative touristic tours and programs with the aim of providing a different way to get to know and get involved into the local reality. Our main focus is in allowing our participants to get to know the local reality in a deep and significant way, like in what relates to social, ecological and cultural aspects. Slow Motion Tours is an independent socio-cultural project based on the development of alternative tourism and eco-social education.

Contacts and Informations:

Slow Motion Tours

Tel. (+351) 93 447 6236 (PJP)

email. slowmotiontours.porto@gmail.com

f.b. https://www.facebook.com/slowmotiontours

blog. https://slowmotiontoursporto.blogspot.com/

youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ZWO737_JVtSHhXAyIyhBw

Note: Slow Motion Tours is a project with a really informal nature, so it’s an activity that is not covered by any type of insurance, the participants are responsible for their own safety and health. The contribution is destined to support the various organization costs and to support the development of the project itself, as the social partners as well.

Spread the word: we appreciate all the possible and positive (of course) share of our project through your contacts, it´s our most precious way of “publicity”, Muito obrigado ;O)

Partnership and support:

Casa da Horta – Cultural Association

web page. https://casadahorta.weebly.com/

facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/casadahorta.associacaocultural/

#turismoalternativo #alternativetourism #turismoecosocial #ecosocialtourism #turismoalternativonoporto #alternativetourisminporto #oladobdoporto #portosideb

#portoecosocial #ecosocialporto #segredosdoporto #portosecrets #portugal #porto #pjpthecrazyguide #guidenotguide #tourismnotourism #theothercity #aoutracidade #tradiçõesdeportugal #portugaltraditions #raízes #roots #ooutroporto